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connect your phone with data cable........

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connect your phone with data cable........ Empty connect your phone with data cable........

Post by BIT0111-muctadir Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:05 am

we all use mobile phones. for various purposes we have to exchange files between our phone and computer. now, this has become easy. because almost all mobile phones has mass storage option. but still many of our phone don't support mass storage. so, we have to use card reader or other applications(like pc suit for nokia). these applications are support by windows. of course, you can use them in linux after installing wine. but i don't like this. i think when you use linux, you use linux applications. otherwise "why linux.....????????"....

i got an application to browse your phone via data cable without the mass storage....
all you have to do is to follow the steps below:-

1.you must have java runtime environment(jre) installed. if not install it from add/remove. now, go to system>administration>synaptic package manager.

2.search for

- obexftp
- openobex-apps

now mark them for installation and apply that.

3.download an application form this link. and extract it on your home directory.

4.It is time to connect your phone to the PC using the USB cable. connect it. open a terminal and type:


which should output some lines with USB devices connected to your PC. I've easily spotted my Nokia phone:

in my case:-
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0421:0421 Nokia Mobile Phones 3230 Phone Parent

this line shows the VendorID and ProductID of the phone, for my Nokia 3230:

VendorID = 0421
ProductID = 0421

now copy/paste the following line in the terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/040-permissions.rules

and add the next line to the end of the text file:

BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="VendorID", SYSFS{idProduct}=="ProductID", GROUP="plugdev", USER="yourUserNname"

Replace VendorID and ProductID with the numbers from the lsusb result and yourUserNname with your username.

5.Right click on your desktop and select the 'Create Launcher...' option.

In the 'Create Launcher' window select a nice icon, fill up the Name field with the desired name for the launcher, and on the Command field type:

java -jar /home/YOURUSERNAME/obexftp-frontend-0.6.1-bin/OBEXFTPFrontend.jar

Replace YOURUSERNAME with your username.

6.All you have to do now is to double click the launcher you've just created and the ObexFTP Front-end will pop-up asking you to configure it. Follow the next steps:

1. Enter /usr/bin/obexftp in the ObexFTP path field.
2. Select USB on the Transport option and set the Value filed to 1.

To close the configuration window, Click OK when you're done, and then click the first icon on the main window.

this should show all the files and folders of your phone and memory card.

this works ok with my nokia 3230. should also work with your phone. mass storage capable phone may not work.......

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